ConférenceNewsFR Back from FOSS4G 2016 – part 2 FOSS4G, the main international OSGeo event, takes place once per year and gather all folks…oslandiaWednesday September 21st, 2016
ConférenceNewsFR Back from FOSS4G 2016 – part 1 FOSS4G, the main international OSGeo event, takes place once per year and gather all folks…oslandiaTuesday September 20th, 2016
ConférenceNewsFR Oslandia at FOSS4G 2016 in Bonn We are happy to announce that Oslandia is a Bronze sponsor at FOSS4G 2016 conference…oslandiaTuesday August 16th, 2016
ConférenceNewsFR OSGeo CS 2016 report: some achievements The annual OSGeo Codesprint took place from 23d to 26th of February in Paris, at…oslandiaWednesday March 16th, 2016
ConférenceDeveloppementNewsFR OSGeo CS 2016 report : PostGIS The annual OSGeo Codesprint took place from 23d to 26th of February in Paris, at…oslandiaWednesday March 16th, 2016
ConférenceNewsFR OSGeo CS 2016 report : Point Clouds The annual OSGeo Codesprint took place from 23d to 26th of February in Paris, at…oslandiaWednesday March 16th, 2016
ConférenceNewsFR OSGeo CodeSprint 2016 in Paris At the end of February, Mozilla Paris hosted the annual OSGeo "C tribe" Code Sprint.…oslandiaSaturday March 5th, 2016
DeveloppementNewsFR iTowns 1.0 release : 3D web visualization framework Oslandia is pleased to announce the first release of iTowns, a new 3D geospatial data…oslandiaWednesday February 17th, 2016
DeveloppementNewsFR Tempus V2.0: routing faster, better, stronger ! We are pleased to announce the release of a new version of our route planning…oslandiaSaturday January 30th, 2016
News Best wishes for 2016 ! The whole team at Oslandia wishes you all the best for 2016 in your projects.…oslandiaSunday January 24th, 2016
NewsFR Meilleurs vœux 2016 ! Toute l'équipe d'Oslandia vous souhaite ses meilleurs vœux pour l'année 2016 dans tous vos projets.…oslandiaSunday January 24th, 2016
DeveloppementNewsFR Cesium Buildings Cesium Buildings started at the `OSGeo code sprint in Philadelphia. It is still at an…oslandiaTuesday May 12th, 2015
News New Training Catalog at Oslandia Oslandia publishes its new training catalog for 2015 Oslandia, training center, just published its new…oslandiaSunday February 15th, 2015
NewsFR Nouveau catalogue de formation Oslandia 2015 Oslandia publie son nouveau catalogue de formation pour l'année 2015 Oslandia, organisme de formation, vient…oslandiaSunday February 15th, 2015
ConférenceNewsFR Philadelphia OSGeo CodeSprint 2015 Last week, the OSGeo "C tribe" gathered in Philadelphia for its annual codesprint event. (more…)oslandiaFriday February 13th, 2015
News Best wishes 2015 The whole team at Oslandia joins us to wish you all the best for 2015,…oslandiaTuesday January 20th, 2015
NewsFR Oslandia vous souhaite ses meilleurs voeux pour 2015 Toute l'équipe d'Oslandia se joint à nous pour vous souhaiter ses meilleurs vœux pour l'année…oslandiaTuesday January 20th, 2015
DeveloppementNewsFR New version of “Tempus”, a framework for multimodal route planning Oslandia and IFSTTAR are pleased to announce the release of a new version of their…oslandiaThursday December 18th, 2014
ConférenceNewsFR PostgreSQL Session 6 : PostGIS Après le succès des cinq premières Sessions PostgreSQL nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer la tenue…oslandiaThursday November 6th, 2014
DeveloppementNewsFR Oslandia releases “Cuardo” 3D GIS viewer Oslandia announces today the preliminary result of one of its research and development project :…oslandiaMonday October 20th, 2014