PostGIS is the spatial database of choice. While it already provides a wide range of features, PostGIS can still be extended to support new functions and capabilities for spatial data processing.
This training session will give you a clear vision on the low-level architecture of PostgreSQL, PostGIS and GEOS, and allow you to implement extensions for this spatial RDBMS and create your own PostgreSQL plugins.
This session is conducted by a PostGIS core developer.
The course will give you the following skills :
- Know the low-level PostGIS and GEOS architecture
- Be able to read and understand current PostGIS source code
- Be able to enhance current code to answer specific needs
This program is indicative. It could be adapted to your specific needs.
Low-level PostGIS and GEOS architecture
- liblwgeom library functions
- Native C PostGIS functions
- Main .h headers
- Pl/PgSQL functions
PostgreSQL API
- PostgreSQL C basic extension
- Main PostgreSQL API functions and macros
- SPI API (data access via SQL from C code )
- Set Returning Functions (SETOF)
Geometries internal representations
- OGC SFS and ISO SQL/MM representations
- EWKT, EWKB PostGIS parsers
- ptarray internal structure
- Geography type
- Curve types
- Geometry representations in GEOS
- GEOS internal architecture
- C API and functions available from PostGIS
- GEOS internal geometry representation
- Main functions overview
Compilation scripts
- autotools and Makefile
Main functions and links with low-level code
- Euclidian geometries functions
- Spheroid functions
- Import/Export functions
- Topological functions
Unit tests
- Cunit
- PostGIS unit tests
- DocBook
- PDF and XHTML generation
Links with Proj4 library and reprojection functions
Low level spatial indexing
Developers community
- PostGIS and GEOS Coding conventions
- Write and send a patch
- Development mailing lists

3 days
Good ANSI C level
Mastering a Unix-like environment
The next courses (Lyon or Paris):
Contact us for on-site trainings at your office (dates are flexible to your needs).
You want to participate in this training ?
Please give us the details below if you can:
* Training
Place of training, Number of people involved, Initial level of participants, Time constraints, Specific expectations
* Contact details
Organization, Address, Contact, Email, Intracommunity VAT