QGIS Processing is the QGIS framework providing all data geoprocessing features. This framework natively includes modules such as GDAL/OGR or GRASS. It is also possible to integrate your own modules, with custom algorithms, or reusing external libraries.
This session is dedicated to QGIS users already having knowledge in Python QGIS development.
It requires basic skills in Python at least, and more generally some IT fluency. It will allow you to develop geoprocessing modules for QGIS in Python with Processing.
This training course starts with QGIS Processing principles, the framework dedicated to geoprocessing. It then shows how to develop a QGIS Processing extension to integrate new data transformation capabilities.
This training includes an important part of applied work, and allows to directly implement the concepts studied on use cases adapted to your needs.
The course will give you the following skills :
- Master the QGIS Processing framework
- Know the Processing framework capabilities
- Know how to integrate new data processing features into QGIS Processing with Python
This program is indicative. It could be adapted to your specific needs.
- QGIS data processing capabilities
- QGIS Processing framework presentation
- QGIS Processing source code organization
- Example of data transformation module in Processing
- Development of a new Processing module wrapping an executable
- Development of a new Processing module with a custom algorithm
- Advanced GUI for Processing modules
- Configuring your Processing module
- Packaging and distributing Processing modules
- Licences and technical consequences
- Evolution and future of Processing

3 days
Fluency in IT
Knowledge in geomatics
Good QGIS knowledge as a user
Python basic knowledge at least
Advised : QGISDEV1 : QGIS Python plugin development (for advanced users)
The next courses (Lyon or Paris):
Contact us for on-site trainings (dates are flexible to your needs).
You want to participate in this training ?
Please give us the details below if you can:
* Training
Place of training, Number of people involved, Initial level of participants, Time constraints, Specific expectations
* Contact details
Organization, Address, Contact, Email, Intracommunity VAT