PostGIS, the spatial database, is able to deal with raster data (images) on top of its wide range of vector data features. Made for vector/raster data processing, the PostGIS Raster module will allow new use cases for geospatial analysis.
This training session will allow you to install and get your hands on PostGIS Raster for the main use cases.
- Know the main PostGIS Raster features
- Be autonomous for data import and writing of raster/vector spatial queries
- Know about the main performance issues and how to manage them
- Be able to use PostGIS Raster with other visualization tools
This program is indicative. It could be adapted to your specific needs.
Presentation and context
- Raster data types (aerial photography, multiband, grid, TIN…)
- PostGIS Raster presentation, architecture, specificity, history
- Using gdalinfo and gdal_translate
- raster2pgsql loader
- Storing data (in base, on filesystem)
- Raster metadata in PostgreSQL/PostGIS
Spatial features
- Basic raster functions
- Raster/vector analysis functions
- Geostatistics analysis using raster grids
- Conversions between geometries and raster
- Performance considerations
Rendering and visualization tools
- PostGIS Raster and MapServer (WMS and WCS)
- PostGIS Raster and QGIS
- Future features

2 days
Having a PGIS1 : PostGIS Level 1 level is recommanded for this session.
The next courses (Lyon or Paris):
Contact us for on-site trainings (dates are flexible to your needs).
You want to participate in this training ?
Please give us the details below if you can:
* Training
Place of training, Number of people involved, Initial level of participants, Time constraints, Specific expectations
* Contact details
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